JUDY ZITZLOFF is a Certified Master DiSC Trainer.
Judy is an Empowerment Trainer and Coach and has been teaching people success strategies for 35 years, specializing in training Trainers, Teams, Leaders, Managers and Individual Contributors to “Speak DiSC Fluently”, “Maximize Interpersonal Relationships” and “Experience Productive Conflict”.
Judy has completed the Wiley DiSC Certification program and is one of a very few people in the world who is qualified to teach the official Wiley Everything DiSC Workplace Certification. Wiley’s Certified DiSC Trainer designation provides additional credentials that demonstrate Judy’s in-depth understanding of DiSC and its applications. She conducts several Classroom and Virtual DiSC Trainer Certifications across the country annually for in-house trainers. Judy has also conducted hundreds of Partner and Client Certifications for Wiley Publishing, our DiSC Publisher. Judy is also an Accredited Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Facilitator. She has received numerous High Achiever Marketing and Training Awards. She was awarded Mentor of the Year for her outstanding contributions to her peers. Judy also received a Minnesota Quality Council Award for providing excellent customer service
Her inspirational and energetic style has earned her many long term client relationships across a broad range of industries, including Business, Financial, Health Care, Pharma, Government and Education. Her client list includes Ameriprise, Toro, TSA, Walman Optical, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, United Health Care, Express Scripts, Upsher Smith Laboratories, Heartland Business Technologies, Kipsu, Life Science Innovations, and Gustavus Adolphus College.
Judy holds a B.S. Degree in Social Work from the University of Minnesota. She has also participated in several advanced Training Labs. She is a member of the Association for Talent Development.
Judy’s personal mission statement is: “I serve as a catalyst to Inspire, Encourage, and Challenge people to be their BEST Selves! I am a Hope Ambassador. I choose to live my life filled with Celebration, Commitment, Courage, Curiosity, Creativity, Integrity, Laughter, Learning, and Passion.”